
As Floridians, most of us are familiar with Hurricane Season and most of us aren’t afraid either. We have listened to stories passed down from generations about the “big storm” of the time. Most of us take heed to our local weatherman (fisherman) and make sure our families have a few provisions, “just in case power is lost”. As a Floridian most of my life, nothing totally prepares you for the devastating wind and water that all too often closes in on us with a Hurricane the size of Helene.

Just a week ago, the buzz around town was Hurricane Helene. The models showing it coming right alongside of the state on the west coast. As most of us know, the models are not right on target until the storm is hours away. We prepare as best we can with the information we receive. Some I am quite certain drop to their knees and pray.

I really don’t think our brothers and sisters in a quaint little town almost straight west of us could prepare for the coming days. With the aftermath of houses being ripped from their foundations, total loss of power and most small businesses at a complete loss.

I recently came to know a church over in Cedar Key that is doing what they can to help those in need. Whether it be monetary, supplies, volunteering etc. It was put on my heart to help these people with financial support. We are collecting an offering that will be given to the church and they will see to it, that it is put to the best use. Feel free to bring by a check or cash and we will get it to them.

Supporting our neighbors in Cedar Key, FL


We were able to send $1000.00 to help our friends in Cedar Key.

Global Frontier Missions

The Lord put it on our hearts to give to this mission. Global Frontier Missions is a movement of Christ centered communities dedicated to mobilizing, training and multiplying disciples and churches to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the least reached people groups on earth.

Did you know, that over (3) billion people do not have regular access to the Gospel. Less than 3% of the cross-cultural missionary force is serving among the unreached.

To find out more about this mission, click the link below. We pray the Lord puts it on your heart, to check this mission out. There are lots of ways to get involved. Maybe you even feel called to head out in the mission field and share the gospel with those that aren’t as fortunate.

We support this beautiful ministry in Israel. They are a messianic congregation that teaches the love of Yeshua in the heart of Jerusalem. Help us in praying for their own that are battling in this war! Check out their website for ways to also bless them financially!