November Newsletter

Here we go into November, WOW, where is the time going? I will tell you this, it's moving forward, and our Lord and Savior is still waiting on The Father to say, “It’s Time”. It all comes back to the Bride Groom and the marriage ceremony. Are you a beautiful bride or do you need to clean up? We have all been talking about change all summer. It seems that there are many of you that are still being caught unaware by change. I was told that “Messianic People” don’t like the word “change”. However, this would bring a stand still into play. The world is changing, God’s word does NOT change. We need to change our interactions with the world, with the word of God. This is not a time to sit back and do nothing. This is a time to stand up for what we believe! A time to be preaching and teaching God’s word, the message of Yeshua, the message of salvation to a broken world and people. We need to get the word out that we preach and teach the WORD OF GOD here. We will have fliers made and need hands and feet to go door to door and pass out. We are to be a lighthouse unto the world. We start in our community and go out into the world. There should be commitment on all our parts to grow in the word and serve as ambasaadors to our Messiah, to serve the Kingdom! We have been a lax people when it comes to this. That is why the world is where it is, we have not spoken loud enough, or often enough and we need to accept accountability. Today is the day for salvation. What did the 12 disciples do? They went out into the highways and byways and gave the good news to the world. They worshipped our Messiah they listened to the Messiah and they preached about the Messiah. To be able to talk to Jewish people we need to know what they know, to open the door. To have a common ground, but at what point do we use our feet to go and meet them where they are as most of us are not Jewish. The Orthodox Jews are still waiting and telling the the world He has not come. We need to be aware, arm yourselves with the Word of God. Every week on the bulletin, is the weekly Torah reading, take the time to read & study. Also this month read and study, Revelation 14 and the book of Hebrews. Men’s group is studying the book of Daniel.

In Christ - Pastor Tim




October Newsletter